

THE International Women’s Alliance for Family Institution and Quality Education (WAFIQ) seeks to uphold the rights of women to be respected, protected and valued. We are committed to ensure the sanctity of the family unit is preserved as the basic building block of a healthy, functioning society. We are dedicated to high quality, reflective and holistic education for all.

WAFIQ aims to be a platform for women to voice their concerns on matters pertaining to their rights as a wife, mother, family member and employee. WAFIQ engages with governmental bodies and civil society organizations (CSOs) to bring women’s issues to light and to correct injustices in society.

WAFIQ was established in late 2017, with the imperative to strengthen family-based values in society. We seek to promote critical thinking and deconstruction of adverse social norms which have permeated and pervaded our environment and culture.

Registrar of Societies Malaysia (ROS) Registration No. : PPM-015-10-23032018