Concerted Effort Needed to Improve Childcare Standard in Malaysia

  Every responsible parent wishes to give the best for their children, including quality childcare that they can best afford. Some parents go to the extent of quitting their job as they worry of their children’s safety and wellbeing in the hands of others. Indeed that is a valid concern.   Cases of physical and/or […]

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MACSA releases Joint Submission for Stakeholders Information 2018 in anticipation of Malaysia’s 3rd UPR Before The UNHRC

  In conjunction with the recent celebration of our 61st Merdeka Day and in anticipation of Malaysia’s pending Universal Periodic Review (UPR) before the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) this November, being its 3rd to date, we are pleased to grant access for the viewing of the Malaysian public MACSA’s Joint Submission for Stakesholder’s […]

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WAFIQ: Jangan Nafikan Hak Wanita Bertudung

    Baru-baru ini kita menyaksikan perdebatan di parlimen mengenai hak wanita Islam untuk bertudung di tempat kerja. Yang Berhormat Siti Zailah, Ahli Parlimen Rantau Panjang telah bangkit dan mengetengahkan dengan beraninya sebuah isu yang telah lamakita perkatakan iaitu hak wanita khususnya yang bekerja di dalam sektor penerbangan sebagai pramugari agar mempunyai pilihan untuk memakai […]

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Hijab Ban is Not International Policy

THIS response is in regards to statements made by The Malaysian Association of Hotels (MAH). Its chairman, Samuel Cheah Swee Hee, said in an online news report that prohibiting their front line staffs from wearing hijab or headscarf is an international practice and not meant to be discriminatory. Any logical person will automatically respond that this […]

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