Response to FRHAM : Consent For Sex Out Of Wedlock a False Premise

We would like to respond to the statement by the Federation of Reproductive Health Associations Malaysia published in Malaymail’s website. Let us speak plainly and clearly as the above mentioned consensus statement is heavily loaded with jargon and at times unclear and contradictory. Adolescents and school children must be taught right from wrong. We teach them […]

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Muhammad Asad – A little note to IRF and IKRAM

(The article first appeared on 25th September 2014) There is no doubt that countless Muslims passionately desire a socio-political development on Islamic lines, but there is also no doubt that in the mental climate of the modern world it has become almost axiomatic among many educated people that RELIGION OUGHT NOT TO INTERFERE WITH POLITICAL LIFE. […]

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Memartabatkan Nilai Keagamaan dan Kerohanian dalam Moraliti Seksual dan Unit Keluarga : MACSA

MACSA menyokong kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri (Bahagian Hal Ehwal Agama), YB Datuk Dr Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri di laman Facebooknya bertarikh 10 Julai 2020 yang meminta Pegawai Penguatkuasa Agama Jabatan Hal Ehwal Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (JAWI) untuk tidak hanya menangkap tetapi juga memberikan pendidikan agama sehingga masyarakat transgender dapat “kembali ke […]

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Uphold Religious and Spiritual Values on Sexual Morality and Family Unit : MACSA

MACSA is supportive of the statement made by the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department for Religious Affairs, YB Datuk Dr Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri in his Facebook page dated July 10, 2020 calling on the Religious Enforcement Officers of Federal Territories’ Islamic Affairs Department (JAWI) to not arrest but also provide religious education so that […]

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Jenayah Rogol Perlu Kepada Pencegahan Serta Undang-Undang

Umat Islam cenderung bersikap “judgmental” dalam isu jenayah seksual? Isu ini menjadi hangat kerana perbincangan antara 2 pihak yang menumpukan kepada 1 faktor sahaja dalam kes rogol sedangkan terdapat beberapa faktor terlibat. Ia juga melibatkan jenayah dan mangsa, jadi perbincangan harus lebih teliti tanpa menyebabkan mangsa lebih terbeban dengan trauma yang dihadapi dan dalam masa […]

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Polisi Bebas Alkohol Sebagai Normal Baharu Pasca Covid-19

Pada 5 April 2020 seorang lelaki yang memandu dalam keadaan mabuk, merempuh sekatan jalan raya Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) COVID-19 di Bintulu jam 11.40 malam. Pada 10 April 2020 seorang lelaki warga emas yang memandu di bawah pengaruh alkohol merempuh kereta polis di sekatan jalan raya Op Covid-19 di Plaza Tol  Petaling Jaya,  jam 9.30 […]

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Sex Education and Definition of Consent

WAFIQ would like to respond to the letter “Informed Choice is Best” from Syirin Junisya of the Federation of Reproductive Health Associations Malaysia (FHRAM) dated July 9, 2019.  We reiterate that we agree with providing education on reproductive biology, sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) and how to recognise safe and unsafe touch. What is still a matter of debate and […]

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Transgender: When a Facebook status takes precedence over national health report

Media should be informative and allow readers to have access to balance reporting. To a certain extent, they are also responsible for the course of actions people decide out of the news they choose to disseminate. In this instance, certain media have selectively made reports that are skewed toward human rights advocacy rather than giving […]

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