Wujudkah ‘Rogol’ dalam Perkahwinan? – Bahagian 1

‘JUMLAH hutang-piutang antara dua orang yang telah berkahwin tak mungkin dapat dihitung. Ia adalah hutang tak terbatas, yang hanya dapat dilunasi di akhirat yang abadi.’ – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Ungkapan ‘rogol dalam perkahwinan’ bagi merujuk kepada hubungan intim di antara seorang suami tanpa kerelaan isterinya, adalah suatu paradoks yang membangkitkan banyak isu. ‘Rogol’ ditakrifkan […]

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The Swiss Cheese Model for Prevention of Sexual Assault and Unwanted Pregnancies

Recently there have been several hotly debated incidents in the news and on social media concerning sexual assault, in addition to the never-ending reports of unwanted pregnancies. These incidents remind us yet again of the consequences of ignoring the tenets of God’s laws upon human beings. We should not feign surprise at the consequences when […]

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Why is Marital Rape Inconsistent with the Legal Provisions of Marriage?

We are compelled to address the polemics on the legal position surrounding the criminality of sexual assault within a marital relationship as well as on the calls for the removal of the exception under Section 375 of the Penal Code, which excludes sexual intercourse by a man with his own wife by a valid marriage […]

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Tiada isu ‘Islam lawan bukan Islam’

POLEMIK larangan jualan arak di kedai runcit dan serbaneka baru-baru ini telah menjemput pelbagai reaksi daripada netizen. Ramai di antara mereka yang menyambut baik namun tidak kurang juga yang mengecam. Tambahan, ada dalam kalangan pemimpin parti politik yang melenting apabila Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) pertama kali bercadang untuk memperkenalkan garis panduan baharu pelesenan minuman […]

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Di Mana Kita Saat Nabi Dihina?

Rabiul Awwal yang juga adalah bulan kelahiran baginda Rasulullah SAW muncul lagi, namun kali ini ia dicemari isu penghinaan ke atas Baginda. Apakah perjuangan ke arah kebebasan bersuara bererti seseorang individu itu boleh sebebasnya menghina?  Isu ini sebenarnya bukan baharu dalam mendepani Islamophobia yang masih berlaku seluruh dunia, tetapi ia tidak sepatutnya menjadikan diam sebagai norma […]

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Response to FRHAM : Consent For Sex Out Of Wedlock a False Premise

We would like to respond to the statement by the Federation of Reproductive Health Associations Malaysia published in Malaymail’s website. Let us speak plainly and clearly as the above mentioned consensus statement is heavily loaded with jargon and at times unclear and contradictory. Adolescents and school children must be taught right from wrong. We teach them […]

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Looking at the Human Rights for the LGBT or Transgender Person

Diversity of Public Opinions The statement made by the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department for Religious Affairs, YB Datuk Dr Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri calling on the Religious Enforcement Officers of Federal Territories’ Islamic Affairs Department (JAWI) to not arrest but also provide religious education so that the transgender community can “return to the correct […]

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Muhammad Asad – A little note to IRF and IKRAM

(The article first appeared on 25th September 2014) There is no doubt that countless Muslims passionately desire a socio-political development on Islamic lines, but there is also no doubt that in the mental climate of the modern world it has become almost axiomatic among many educated people that RELIGION OUGHT NOT TO INTERFERE WITH POLITICAL LIFE. […]

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Memartabatkan Nilai Keagamaan dan Kerohanian dalam Moraliti Seksual dan Unit Keluarga : MACSA

MACSA menyokong kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri (Bahagian Hal Ehwal Agama), YB Datuk Dr Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri di laman Facebooknya bertarikh 10 Julai 2020 yang meminta Pegawai Penguatkuasa Agama Jabatan Hal Ehwal Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (JAWI) untuk tidak hanya menangkap tetapi juga memberikan pendidikan agama sehingga masyarakat transgender dapat “kembali ke […]

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