Larangan bertudung masih jauh dari penyelesaian.

KENYATAAN RASMI LARANGAN BERTUDUNG MASIH JAUH DARI PENYELESAIAN Menteri Pelancongan dan Kebudayaan (MOTA) Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz berkata pada 22 November 2017 bahawa orang Islam yang bekerja sebagai kakitangan hotel berhak memakai tudung. Beliau menyalahkan Persatuan Hotel Malaysia (MAH) atas kenyataan “tidak bertanggungjawab” dan “anti-Islam” mengenai larangan tudung dan menolak tuntutan mereka bahawa amalan itu […]

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Religious Discrimination: Banning of Hijab Among Hotel Employees

It’s far from over. In the last few months, WAFIQ has collected data from a number of hotel employees and hotel graduate interns who testified that they have been discriminated against based on their religion, as they are not allowed by their employers in the hotel and tourism industry to wear the hijab. Many highlighted […]

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Tax spent on Islamic Religious Institutions is lawful

I’m referring to Boo Su-Lyn’s article, which to me is bordering on sedition. Why is this kind of people allowed to write in such a damaging way to Malaysians? First, Malaysia has Islam as the religion of federation. Secondly, Muslims are the majority. Thirdly, Boo Soo Lynn is trying to deceive the Malaysian public […]

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Human Rights Shaped By Cultural Contexts

MEDIA STATEMENT ON HUMAN RIGHTS DAY: Human Rights Shaped By Cultural Contexts 10 DECEMBER 2017 1. The Centre for Human Rights Research & Advocacy (CENTHRA), one of the many civil society organisations (CSOs) forming part and parcel of the Malaysian Alliance of Civil Society Organisations in the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Process (MACSA), was formed […]

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Tolak Ahli Parlimen sokong LGBT

sumber asal: BANGI, 11 Rabiulakhir 1439H, Sabtu – Undang-undang syariah berkenaan lelaki berpakaian seperti wanita dan sebaliknya, diwujudkan di Malaysia adalah untuk menjaga kemaslahatan masyarakat secara umum. Presiden International Women’s Alliance for Family Institution and Quality Education (WAFIQ), Prof Madya Dr Rafidah Hanim Mokhtar berkata, pihak berkuasa agama sedaya upaya merangka strategi bagi menghalang […]

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Golongan homoseksual, biseksual penyumbang terbesar HIV di Malaysia

KETIKA membentangkan perihal LGBT di Kepala Batas, Pulau Pinang anjuran JAKIM, JHEAIPP dan Yayasan Ihtimam minggu lepas, saya meneliti data dari Amerika Syarikat mengenai jangkitan HIV. Kadar jangkitan HIV secara keseluruhan menurun. Walaubagaimanapun, apa yang ketara, trend jangkitan HIV kini menunjukkan 70% adalah daripada mereka yang mengamalkan homoseksualiti dan biseksualiti. Penurunan peratusan kedua-dua kumpulan ini […]

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And the Real Homophobic is…

HUMANS are complex creatures with specialized systems that meticulously interact with each other to allow physiological functions to work smoothly. From the genetic make up to molecular level, down to cellular level as the functional unit system, human biological properties are distinctive in nature. Animal models in research studies have been scientifically designed to mimic human […]

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Transgender: When a Facebook status takes precedence over national health report

Media should be informative and allow readers to have access to balance reporting. To a certain extent, they are also responsible for the course of actions people decide out of the news they choose to disseminate. In this instance, certain media have selectively made reports that are skewed toward human rights advocacy rather than giving […]

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Isu graduan tempatan dan pelajar Denmark, editor FMT tak bertanggungjawab

PAGI ini (19 Januari 2017) portal Free Malaysia Today (FMT) mengejutkan dunia akademia dengan membawa tajuk berita: Local grads only as good as Danish high school dropouts. atau Graduan tempatan hanya setaraf dengan pelajar sekolah menengah Denmark yang keciciran. Saya tidak sempat membaca dengan lebih teliti kerana ada tugasan mengendalikan peperiksaan di fakulti. Tetapi saya […]

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