Response to FRHAM : Consent For Sex Out Of Wedlock a False Premise

We would like to respond to the statement by the Federation of Reproductive Health Associations Malaysia published in Malaymail’s website. Let us speak plainly and clearly as the above mentioned consensus statement is heavily loaded with jargon and at times unclear and contradictory. Adolescents and school children must be taught right from wrong. We teach them […]

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Menyamar untuk Cinta?

‘Jika kita sudah hilang rasa cinta dan rasa hormat kepada sesama kita, pada saat itulah kita pada sebetulnya telahpun mati.’ – Maya Angelou. Betapakah besar nilai hormat sebetulnya? Sehinggakan begitu sukar masyarakat zaman ini untuk saling hormat sesama manusia. Ada yang menghina hormat dengan menyerang keperibadian seseorang lain secara terus, tapi dek kerana ramai yang […]

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Jenayah Rogol Perlu Kepada Pencegahan Serta Undang-Undang

Umat Islam cenderung bersikap “judgmental” dalam isu jenayah seksual? Isu ini menjadi hangat kerana perbincangan antara 2 pihak yang menumpukan kepada 1 faktor sahaja dalam kes rogol sedangkan terdapat beberapa faktor terlibat. Ia juga melibatkan jenayah dan mangsa, jadi perbincangan harus lebih teliti tanpa menyebabkan mangsa lebih terbeban dengan trauma yang dihadapi dan dalam masa […]

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Marital Rape from the Perspective of Malaysian Laws and Islam

By virtue of this country’s legislation for sexual offences, position in Syariah, the reality of criminal practice, as well as norms and culture of the Malaysian people – marital rape is not recognized here. There is no such thing as rape after marriage in the context of legally married couples in Malaysia. Malaysia does not […]

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Continuous Promotion of Adultery & Prostitution During Covid-19

Referring to : This is not the first time the Malay Mail tries to glorify prostitution and adultery. They have done it before early this year and I can tell that they are proud with such publication as there has been no clarification or apologies made by the journalist. First time : Although they […]

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Jangan Kerana Nyamuk, Kelambu Dibakarkan. Jangan Kerana Doraemon, Wanita Terus Berleteran

Saya tertanya-tanya. Selepas Doraemon disensasikan, agak-agaknya apa mesej yang wanita Malaysia terima? Walaupun isu Doraemon sudah agak reda, namun saya lihat masih ada wajah Doraemon di sini-sana bila isu wanita dibincangkan. Bila isu keganasan rumahtangga diperkatakan, Doraemon sering dijadikan sindiran. Sebagai pakar psikiatri yang sering mengendalikan isu wanita, saya bimbang ada wanita yang menerima mesej […]

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Sex Education and Definition of Consent

WAFIQ would like to respond to the letter “Informed Choice is Best” from Syirin Junisya of the Federation of Reproductive Health Associations Malaysia (FHRAM) dated July 9, 2019.  We reiterate that we agree with providing education on reproductive biology, sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) and how to recognise safe and unsafe touch. What is still a matter of debate and […]

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Tuntutan Hijab Dalam Islam

Di dalam al-Quran, Allah telah berfirman dalam Surah al-Nur, ayat 31: “Dan katakanlah kepada perempuan-perempuan yang beriman supaya menyekat pandangan mereka (daripada memandang yang haram), dan memelihara kehormatan mereka; dan janganlah mereka memperlihatkan perhiasan tubuh mereka kecuali yang zahir daripadanya; dan hendaklah mereka menutup belahan dadanya dengan khumur” Para mufassir bersepakat bahawa Istilah khumur yang […]

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Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development Must Respect Fatwa Religious Authorities in NGO Funding We refer to the above article addressing the financial support pledged by the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development to the organisation known as Sisters in Islam (SIS). SIS is well-known for their views that do not represent normative Islam of the majority. In the above report, the Joint Action Group (JAG) asserted […]

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