The Swiss Cheese Model for Prevention of Sexual Assault and Unwanted Pregnancies

Recently there have been several hotly debated incidents in the news and on social media concerning sexual assault, in addition to the never-ending reports of unwanted pregnancies. These incidents remind us yet again of the consequences of ignoring the tenets of God’s laws upon human beings. We should not feign surprise at the consequences when […]

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Response to FRHAM : Consent For Sex Out Of Wedlock a False Premise

We would like to respond to the statement by the Federation of Reproductive Health Associations Malaysia published in Malaymail’s website. Let us speak plainly and clearly as the above mentioned consensus statement is heavily loaded with jargon and at times unclear and contradictory. Adolescents and school children must be taught right from wrong. We teach them […]

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Sex Education and Definition of Consent

WAFIQ would like to respond to the letter “Informed Choice is Best” from Syirin Junisya of the Federation of Reproductive Health Associations Malaysia (FHRAM) dated July 9, 2019.  We reiterate that we agree with providing education on reproductive biology, sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) and how to recognise safe and unsafe touch. What is still a matter of debate and […]

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The Dangerous Truth About Comprehensive Sexual Education (CSE)

We refer to the letter by Ikmal Rozlan to Malaysiakini dated January 31, 2019. In the wake of more and more reports of sexual abuse, baby dumping, incest, underage sex, sexual harassment and sexually transmitted infections (STI), there are more frenetic calls to address this issue by way of ‘sex education’. It seems that the […]

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Transgender: When a Facebook status takes precedence over national health report

Media should be informative and allow readers to have access to balance reporting. To a certain extent, they are also responsible for the course of actions people decide out of the news they choose to disseminate. In this instance, certain media have selectively made reports that are skewed toward human rights advocacy rather than giving […]

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