Shawal Ali : Stop The Madness on Gender Dysphoria

It has taken various scholars over the centuries to perform research and experiments on genetics and hereditary and then to invent the electron microscopes to actually visualize the chromosomes to establish the fundamental key to our genders. With such knowledge, we as a human race can safely state that a gender of an unborn baby […]

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Menilai tulisan Barat tentang Nabi Muhammad SAW

Kritikan terhadap Nabi Muhammad SAW telah bermula sejak baginda masih hidup lagi. Kaum Quraish merupakan kumpulan pertama yang menghina baginda dan mempersoalkan mesej yang dibawa baginda yang bertentangan dengan kepercayaan kaum tersebut. Kritikan terhadap baginda masih berterusan setelah baginda wafat, dan sadisnya, ia masih lagi terjadi sehingga abad ke-21 kini. Antara punca utama penghinaan terhadap […]

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MACSA : Expedite Amendments of Employment Act to Protect Women

MEDIA STATEMENT, 5 NOV : Where is the Government’s Commitment to Women in Workforce Now? MACSA repeats its past demands for the Government to materialize its pledge for greater protection towards the employees in private sectors. It is pertinent now more than ever considering the acknowledgement by the Ministry of Human Resource that there is […]

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Membidas G25 Salah Guna Kes Indira Gandhi untuk Sokong SIS

1. Begitu mudah kumpulan liberal G25 membidas keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi yang tidak memihak kepada SIS dalam kes yang diputuskan baru-baru ini. 2. G25 mendakwa bahawa kononnya keputusan itu bercanggah dengan penghakiman oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Indira Gandhi. 3. Sedangkan, kes Indira Gandhi adalah melibatkan semakan kehakiman ke atas pengeluaran sijil perakuan memeluk Islam berikutan […]

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MACSA : Greater Ties Between Islamic Authorities and SUHAKAM a Step Forward for Human Rights

The Malaysian Alliance of Civil Society Organisations in the UPR Process (MACSA) is elated to learn from media reports that closer ties have been fostered between the various Islamic religious departments throughout Malaysia and the National Human Rights Commission (SUHAKAM) as elaborated by one of its commissioners Dr. Nik Salida Suhaila Nik Saleh at the […]

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WAFIQ Supports Tun Mahathir’s Decisions Regarding Jawi and Dr Zakir Naik

In his statement on 22 August 2019, Tun Mahathir Mohamed has reaffirmed his stand that Dr Zakir Naik will not be deported to India. WAFIQ unreservedly supports this decision. In a country like ours, peace always hangs on a delicate balance. We must not succumb to provocations from within by irresponsible media portals which sensationalize […]

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Pengorbanan Hajar AS perlu Dicontohi Isteri & Ibu

KISAH Nabi Ibrahim AS banyak dicatatkan dalam al-Quran termasuk sirah antara paling mencabar apabila wahyu Allah SWT memerintahkan Baginda mengorbankan puteranya, Nabi Ismail AS. Di sebalik ibrah atau pengajaran bagaimana Nabi Ibrahim AS menerima dan melaksanakan arahan itu dengan redha, kita juga wajar mengenang dan mencontohi individu penting yang turut berkorban, iaitu Hajar AS yang […]

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