Ilmu dan Kepentingannya Kepada Wanita

Menuntut ilmu adalah satu kewajiban bagi seseorang Muslim, sama ada lelaki mahupun wanita. Kepentingan ilmu telah dinyatakan dengan jelas di dalam al-Quran dan disokong melalui hadis-hadis Nabi Muhammad SAW. Malah, tuntutan untuk menuntut ilmu juga adalah jelas dan telah diperjuangkan oleh ramai ulama dulu dan kini. Perbahasan tentang ilmu juga telah dikupas dengan banyak dan […]

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Diskriminasi Wanita Bertudung – Usaha WAFIQ Menampakkan Penyelesaian

8/1/2018 Pertama kali wakil WAFIQ berjumpa dengan pekerja- pekerja hotel Muslimah yang tidak dapat bertudung kerana polisi hotel. WAFIQ bersama MACSA segera membawa isu ini ke media. Sedari itu, WAFIQ telah mengeluarkan banyak kenyataan di media bagi menyuarakan kerisauan terhadap isu. Antaranya: i) ii) iii) 25/01/2018 WAFIQ mewakili MACSA terlibat dalam sidang akhbar bersama […]

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MACSA : The Bait and Switch Tactics of LGBT Provocateurs

On the 9th of March 2019, a group of people marched the streets of Kuala Lumpur in conjunction with International Women’s Day (IWD). Celebrated to honour women and to bring awareness to the myriad of issues that women face worldwide, a more sordid facet of this celebration reared its ugly head: the hijacking of the […]

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Society Need to Hold On Shared Values To Move Forward

When the Deputy Prime Minister, Dato’ Seri Wan Azizah proposed a midnight curfew for teenagers below 18, various responses were received. While some applauded the effort, quite a number of backlashes were also received. Some of the disagreement must be appreciated and considered when defining the methodology of the curfew, especially when the critical comments […]

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Housing Upgrades and Its Impact to The Society

On 20th January, YB Haniza Mohamed Talha, Selangor’s Housing and Urban Living Exco announced that the Selangor government will monitor the upgrading project of houses in four main areas in Selangor. The project will upgrade flat houses with two bedrooms and one bathroom into three bedrooms and two bathrooms. The four areas that will undergo […]

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The Dangerous Truth About Comprehensive Sexual Education (CSE)

We refer to the letter by Ikmal Rozlan to Malaysiakini dated January 31, 2019. In the wake of more and more reports of sexual abuse, baby dumping, incest, underage sex, sexual harassment and sexually transmitted infections (STI), there are more frenetic calls to address this issue by way of ‘sex education’. It seems that the […]

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No Basis for Banning of Female Circumcision

We would like to refer to your article WAFIQ wishes to clarify several facts concerning female circumcision (FC) which was recently discussed in the launching of the report of “The Status of Women’s Human Rights: 24 years of United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) in Malaysia” […]

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Benarkah Sheikh Tantawi Haruskan Ubah Jantina?

1. Saya ditanya berkenaan satu thread twitter yang menukilkan pandangan Sheikh Tantawi yang membenarkan pembedahan jantina dilakukan. Ia merujuk pada kes pembedahan jantina seorang pelajar perubatan al-Azhar dari seorang lelaki menjadi perempuan. Perbahasan berhubung perkara ini telah pun dilakukan secara akademik oleh Skovgaard-Petersen (1995), M.J. Veneuse (2010) dan M. Alipour (2017). (Lihat rujukan) 2. Dalam […]

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MACSA Intervention Notes on Malaysia 3rd UPR before the UN Human Rights Council

This intervention serves to highlight particular concerns of our alliance, namely the Malaysian Alliance of Civil Society Organisations in the UPR Process or MACSA, towards the recommendations recently received by Malaysia from states sitting in the UN Human Rights Council (#UNHRC) during its 3rd Universal Periodic Review (#UPR) in November 2018 as well as Malaysia’s […]

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Jangan Biarkan Penyerang Seksual Terlepas

Baru-baru ini, negara telah dikejutkan dengan satu e-mel yang disebarkan di portal media yang menuduh dua pekerja lelaki melakukan gangguan seksual terhadap teman sekerja wanita mereka di stesen radio BFM. Sayangnya, pihak mereka ibarat terkunci mulut apabila bertindak senyap bagi jenayah yang berlaku di dalam sebuah industri media yang sepatutnya memberi kesedaran mengenai isu tersebut. […]

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